Sunday, June 19, 2005

Two utterly unconnected thoughts on Beauty and Sneezing

Helen of Troy was something of a Babe, not so?
I'm led to believe that it was she-or more correctly her face--that was so beautiful as to be sufficient to launch a thousand ships.
SO, what if one is a) female and b) a bit lacking in the visage department; such that one is only able to launch a single vessel down the slipway?
Assuming that beauty is a metric unit, would said lady then have a beauty quotient of one milli-Helen?

'Sneezing is an enormously powerful bodily convulsion second only to the orgasm in its intensity. Both are difficult to fake with any degree of accuracy, and it's best not to attempt either in an elevator unless you are by yourself or with someone who loves you a very great deal.'

Guy Browning



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