Sunday, December 03, 2006

Well, I Never....

In desperation, yours truly was compelled to watch CNN last night, it being the only English language station available in this here town. After 26 hours travelling, I just couldn't face Charlize Toe-run in French. (what was that movie where she does the deranged killer- with that Ricci woman?)Anyway, CNN.
Jon Stewart? What is that bloke ON? Manic indeed. He and George Clooney in bed together? Boggle. Bloody terrific to watch him taking the piss out of the Administration. Are there any parallels between I-rak and Vietnam? 'No.' says POTUS. Really? thinks I. 'Gurnnn.' as Hepburn would have it. (And when did YOU last see 'My Fair Lady'?)
I know I'm so far out of it to be laughable, but CNN running a show that really, but really lambasts His Highness? Interesting move on the whole policy thing. When did they start that? Ted?



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